
How many licenses do I need?

Licenses are per user, so if it's just yourself, you only need 1 license.

Example: If you have a team of 10 people and all 10 of you need to use our Pro / Team features, you will then need 10 licenses, or if it's just some users within your team you only need licenses for those users who plan to use the Pro / Team services.

How long do i need to wait for my license?

As soon as payment is complete we are usually notified straight away from our payment provider, however if the payment provider puts your payment on hold for any reason it can sometimes take between 15 minutes and an hour (this is very rarely happens). If no hold has been put in place on your payment you will receive your license straight away.

How many devices can I use my license on?

We limit all licenses to a total of 10 devices (unless you have a site license), however this may increase in the near future (i.e. when we've released our app to more platforms such as iOS, Android, etc). You can also revoke any old devices that may be using your license activations.

Can discounts be applied on-top of other discounts?

As you may have noticed we have discounts for Education and Non-Profits, if you plan to purchase multiple licenses for Education / Non-Profit users you can get the same additional discount as outlined on our volume discounts page.

My license has been suspended or terminated?

If you have a suspended of terminated license, you can contact us below to confirm the reason:

Common Reasons:

  • Your order was refunded, and therefore your license was terminated.

  • You've published your license publicly and your license has therefore been suspended

  • You made a bank dispute or PayPal dispute, therefore your license will be suspended pending final decision of dispute outcome.

  • You abused our system (i.e. hacking, DDOS, spamming, etc), this has then lead to license termination, and depending on the seriousness of the case you may have also been reported to your local government, police or even have a judgement put against you.

Last updated