Transfers / Connections
You can manage Transfer & Connection settings on our application by going to Preferences -> Transfers / Connections
What can be managed here
Maximum Simultaneous Transfers (FTP / FTPS)
Defaulted to 3 transfers
If you have a slow internet connection you may want to change this to 1 or 2.
If you have a fast internet connection you may want to change this to 5 or even up to 10.
Be aware some FTP / FTPS connections can limit the number of open connections streams to a max of 3 (each transfer will use 1 stream, your open connection will also use 1 stream, this means you'll need to limit this to 2 transfers at a time).
Maximum Simultaneous Transfers (SFTP / SSH)
Defaulted to 5 transfers
A higher transfer limit is usual on an SFTP / SSH connection as this can handle more streams than a normal FTP / FTPS connection as it is rarely limited.
Max Transfer Attempts
Each transfer attempt will try to create a directory (if needed) and will send a new request to the server to accept the file (if you have a problematic server you may want to set a high number here).
Files / Folders can largely fail due to permission issues on your server
Last updated